Note: I only used movies from 2010, not my all-time favorite's doubtful any of these would even be in that list if it existed.
Honorable Mentions that I really liked this year, but didn't make the final 5 cut (click name to see trailer):
The Crazies
Exit Through the Gift Shop
Easy A
Toy Story 3
Book of Eli
The Switch
I had very low expectations for this movie, but it was really good. If you care anything about or have any interest in Facebook as a company (which most of you reading this will I'm sure), you will enjoy this movie. Although most people know about it by now, I feel like if you tried to describe this movie to someone verbally, it would sound really boring...but somehow it's all. Characters are done really well and Jesse Eisenberg (Adventureland, Zombieland) does his role as Mark Zuckerberg perfect (and looks an awful lot like him).
4. Buried
I questioned adding this one because I doubt I'll ever want to watch this movie again and feel like some friends might be upset with me after watch it, but I've spent more time thinking about it afterwards than any movie I've probably ever watched. Ryan Reynolds does an awesome job-his best acting ever IMO. Yes, they do make the ENTIRE movie in a coffin with no other actors in the film and somehow they manage to pull it off. This movie had me sweating and stressed out the whole was very intense and uncomfortable, but somehow very good at the same time.
3. Let Me In
Although I prefer the Swedish version of the film vs. the American remake (maybe just because it came first?), this movie is sooooo much better than most of the other Vampire-esque movies that are popular right now. I'm a big modern-day vampire movie fan (more like Underworld, Blade, Nightwatch, etc-not Twilight) and this movie is good because it's original & about a child vampire trying to survive in modern day. It is fairly graphic, but for a purpose. You can catch the original on Netflix Instant Watch...I highly suggest you do so.
American trailer:
Original Swedish version:
2. Inception
It's one of those movies that I think most everyone loved and most people have seen more than once. This movie was so good and so well written. Say what you want about the ending, but I actually like it. Leonardo DiCaprio is arguably the best actor of my generation, and this movie is definitely my favorite of his. I don't even need to describe it really because chances are you've already seen it at least once.
Talking about this movie is one of the main reasons I even made this post (also was inspired by another article). If you were born before 1975 and you care or have cared anything about video games, you will probably like this movie. It's not a video game movie, but it's got a lot of nostalgic video game moments/effects/sounds in it. The movie starts off like a typical Micheal Cera movie (you know, kinda Juno-ish), but takes a very unexpected (at least to the one's who I've watched it with so far) turn, and kinda becomes really awesome. It's funny, original, and really entertaining. Even if you don't care about video games, there is a good chance you might still enjoy the movie because of the great cast and witty jokes (there's even a George Michael vs. Ann Veal battle-if you watched Arrested Development, you will know what I'm talking about here). It's not Inception-deep, or Let Me In-intense, but it's a fun, silly movie to watch--one of those you can repeat easily with friends.